Oral health is not something you want to ignore. When you take care of your mouth, you can improve the well-being of your whole body. While brushing and flossing your teeth every day is essential, so are dental exams and cleanings near you. Great North Dental recommends routine visits to your dentist in Sault Ste. Marie, ON, every six months to maintain optimal health overall. Even more, you can ensure your teeth and gums stay healthy and your smile beautiful.
By seeing Dr. Ruchi Sheth regularly, you can:
Get in touch with the dentist near you today to book your biannual dental checkups.
During your examination, your Sault Ste. Marie, ON dentist will explore your gums and all tooth surfaces thoroughly. The goal is to detect signs of decay, disease, and other oral health concerns. We may also take traditional x-rays or digital images at this time. Dr. Ruchi Sheth needs to see what may be brewing beneath the surface. The sooner we find budding problems, the sooner they can be addressed or prevented.
Either your dentist or a hygienist will perform your Sault Ste. Marie, ON teeth cleaning. The process starts with an exploration of each tooth to look for cavities and assess any dental work’s integrity. Next, we will examine your gums to ensure the soft tissue adheres properly to your teeth. Deep gum pockets can indicate bone loss or periodontal disease.
Then, your teeth will be cleaned carefully with a variety of professional tools. Your hygienist will remove all signs of plaque, tartar, and bacteria. The last steps are to floss and polish your smile.
If we find signs of decay or disease, Dr. Ruchi Sheth will discuss your dental hygiene habits. You may need to change daily practices. If restorative treatments are required, we will schedule them during this visit. But if your mouth is in excellent health, we will encourage you to keep up the good work.